Sunday, March 1, 2015

Literature Review #1


These are the authors of the article I wish to review titled, "Parent-Child Conflict and Suicide Rumination in College Students: The Mediating Roles of Depressive Symptoms and Anxiety Sensitivity". The authors are Danielle R. Jahn and Dorian A. Lamis respectively.

2. Lamis, Dorian, A., and Danielle, R. Jahn. "Parent–Child Conflict And Suicide Rumination In College Students: The Mediating Roles Of Depressive Symptoms And Anxiety Sensitivity." Journal Of American College Health 61.2 (2013): 106-113. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 24 Feb. 2015.

3. Summary: this article focuses on the rise of suicide in college students and outlines some of the causes and effects of depression. It is essentially a report on a experiment to find possible correlations among several risk factors and symptoms of depression and to interpret the results of this procedure. This particular article's results focus mainly on parent-child conflict and the role this conflict plays in the presence of depressive/ anxiety symptoms.
4. Danielle R. Jahn has a Master's in Psychology and is a research assistant at Texas Tech University in the Suicide and Depression Research Clinic of the Psychology Department. She has contributed to numerous Psychology articles in scholar journals with a focus on suicide and depression. Here is her Research gate Page with more information:
 Dorian A. Lamis has a PHD in Psychology and extensive experience. He was employed at East Tennessee State University, The University of South Carolina, and currently is an assistant professor at Emory University in the department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Dorian has written at least 69 articles on over 20 different subjects in Psychology. Here is his page on Research gate:

5. Key terms:
Anxiety Sensitivity: defined as "sensitivity to the physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety and the belief that these symptoms may result in severe somatic, social, and/or psychological consequences" (107).
Suicide rumination- Lamis and Jahn define this as "thinking about suicide ideation, suicide attempts, suicide and death" (106).

a. "Suicide ideation data indicate that some students may have such great difficulty in college that they begin to think about suicide" (107)
b. "broad familial difficulties (eg poor relationships with parents, conflict between parents) have been linked to suicide ideation in college students" (107).
c. "When college students present for mental health services , assessing for parent-child conflict in addition to standard psychological symptoms and distress can inform suicide risk assessments and reduce the incidence of suicide on college campuses" (111).

7. This article should be helpful to my topic as it takes what seems like common sense and makes it more scientifically factual and more true that way. This study presents readers with some risk factors and then gives them evidence to support the hypothesized factors. This should fit nicely into my argument of Privatization and its effect on Parent-child conflict in college students!

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