Monday, March 23, 2015

Literature Review 4

1. Pamela Aselton, "Sources of Stress and Coping in American College Students who Have Been Diagnosed With Depression"

Aselton, Pamela.
 "Sources Of Stress And Coping In American College Students Who Have Been       Diagnosed With Depression." Journal Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 25.3 (2012): 119-123. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Mar. 2015.
3. This piece is a Psychology study on college aged students. The research method conducted here was to survey the students about their preferred way of coping with stress and the most common/influential causes of that stress. This study gets into what about the college environment it is that causes such high stress as well as the unhealthy ways students deal with such as drug use, binge drinking etcetera.
4. The author, Pamela Aselton has information provided on ResearchGate with many of her achievements and qualifications listed publicly as most of these researchers do. She has a PHD and is employed at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in the School of Nursing. She has 21 publications on research gate and so I deem her to be a pretty good source on the topic of stress and its effects.
5. Sources of stress- issues/ factors that caused college students noticeable distress. These included: Roommate Problems, Academic Troubles, Financial and Career Concerns,  and Family Pressures (121).
Coping Methods-things students did to better handle the stress caused by the above. These methods included: Journaling, Marijuana, Music, Talk Therapy, Physical Activities and many more (122).
1. "Depression has increasingly been diagnosed in the college age population, with the American College Health Association reporting that 16% of all college students suffer from depression at some point in their college years" (119).
2. "College students are functioning in increasingly competitive environments with fewer job opportunities at graduation, which may increase their stress level and lead to feelings of depression" (119).
3. "This survey found that one in four college students admitted to using marijuana within the last year" (122).

7. I think this study could contribute nicely to my topic as it gives me some evidence of the point I am trying to make especially that of my point that new cases of depression are being increasingly diagnosed. The stress factors could be an entire paragraph of my paper as I really want to get into what specifically about college is so stressful as to induce/ worsen depression. This study gives me a frame for that purpose.

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